Results for 'Maeve Edith Albano'

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  1. Maeve Edith Albano, Vico and Providence. [REVIEW]Lawrence Simon - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8:335-337.
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  2. Backward-looking reparations and structural injustice.Maeve McKeown - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):771-794.
    The ‘structural injustice’ framework is an increasingly influential way of thinking about historical injustice. Structural injustice theorists argue against reparations for historical injustice on the grounds that our focus should be on forward-looking responsibility for contemporary structural injustice. Through the use of a case study – the Caribbean Community 10-Point Plan for reparations from 2014 – I argue that this reasoning is flawed. Backward-looking reparations can be justified on the basis of state liability over time. The value of backward-looking reparations (...)
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    Re-Presenting the Good Society.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - MIT Press.
    Contemporary critical social theories face the question of how to justify the ideas of the good society that guide their critical analyses. Traditionally, these more or less determinate ideas of the good society were held to be independent of their specific sociocultural context and historical epoch. Today, such a concept of context-transcending validity is not easy to defend; the "linguistic turn" of Western philosophy signals the widespread acceptance of the view that ideas of knowledge and validity are always mediated linguistically (...)
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    Ethics and politics in the Anthropocene.Maeve Cooke - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (10):1167-1181.
    The most fundamental challenge facing humans today is the imminent destruction of the life-generating and life-sustaining ecosystems that constitute the planet Earth. There is considerable evidence...
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    Self-Portrait In Letters, 1916-1942 (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 5).Edith Stein - 2016 - ICS Publications.
    Edith Stein comes alive through these warm, totally attentive letters. She joins a deeply sensitive heart with her keen intelligence, revealing herself to be a wise mentor and a caring friend available to anyone who approached her. Here we learn what was truly important to her: the total well-being of those who treasured her letters enough to preserve them even while suffering the havoc of war and oppression. This volume offers the first English translation of the majority of her (...)
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    Private Autonomy and Public Autonomy: Tensions in Habermas’ Discourse Theory of Law and Politics.Maeve Cooke - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (4):559-582.
    Habermas dialogically recasts the Kantian conception of moral autonomy. In a legal-political context, his dialogical approach has the potential to redress certain troubling features of liberal and communitarian approaches to democratic politics. Liberal approaches attach greater normative weight to negatively construed individual freedoms, which they seek to protect against the interventions of political authority. Communitarian approaches prioritize the positively construed freedoms of communal political participation, viewing legal-political institutions as a means for collective ethical self-realization. Habermas’ discourse theory of law and (...)
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  7. Salvaging and secularizing the semantic contents of religion: the limitations of Habermas’s postmetaphysical proposal.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):187-207.
    The article considers Jürgen Habermas's views on the relationship between postmetaphysical philosophy and religion. It outlines Habermas's shift from his earlier, apparently dismissive attitude towards religion to his presently more receptive stance. This more receptive stance is evident in his recent emphasis on critical engagement with the semantic contents of religion and may be characterized by two interrelated theses: the view that religious contributions should be included in political deliberations in the informally organized public spheres of contemporary democracies, though translated (...)
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    Language and Reason: A Study of Habermas's Pragmatics.Maeve Cooke - 1997 - MIT Press.
    Language and Reason opens up new territory for social theorists by providing thefirst general introduction to Habermas's program of formal pragmatics: his reconstruction of theuniversal principles of possible understanding that, he argues, ...
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  9. Iris Marion Young’s “Social Connection Model” of Responsibility: Clarifying the Meaning of Connection.Maeve McKeown - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (3):484-502.
  10.  22
    Saintly influence: Edith Wyschogrod and the possibilities of philosophy of religion.Edith Wyschogrod, Eric Boynton & Martin Kavka (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In all of these discourses, she has sought to cultivate an awareness of how the self is situated and influenced, as well as the ways in which a self can influence others.In this volume, twelve scholars examine and display the influence of ...
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    Forever Resistant? Adorno and Radical Transformation of Society.Maeve Cooke - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 583–600.
    After the Second World War, Adorno was politically engaged as a critical public intellectual in the new Federal Republic of Germany. Nonetheless, in the 1960s, a time of active protest against established norms and the underlying socio‐economic and political conditions, he was widely perceived by the protesting activists as adopting an attitude of resignation in blatant contradiction to the aims of his critical social theory. The chapter considers the validity of this accusation. Section 37.1 sets out Adorno's position with regard (...)
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    Partv Edith Stein.Edith Stein - 2002 - In Tim Mooney & Dermot Moran (eds.), The Phenomenology Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 227.
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    Reenvisioning Freedom: Human Agency in Times of Ecological Disaster.Maeve Cooke - 2023 - Constellations 30 (2):119-127.
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    Resurrecting the Rationality of Ideology Critique: Reflections on Laclau on Ideology.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - Constellations 13 (1):4-20.
  15.  24
    On the Pragmatics of Communication.Maeve Cooke (ed.) - 1998 - MIT Press.
    Jürgen Habermas's program in formal pragmatics fulfills two main functions. First, it serves as the theoretical underpinning for his theory of communicative action, a crucial element in his theory of society. Second, it contributes to ongoing philosophical discussion of problems concerning meaning, truth, rationality, and action. By the "pragmatic" dimensions of language, Habermas means those pertaining specifically to the employment of sentences in utterances. He makes clear that "formal" is to be understood in a tolerant sense to refer to the (...)
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  16. Avoiding authoritarianism: On the problem of justification in contemporary critical social theory.Maeve Cooke - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (3):379 – 404.
    Critical social theories look critically at the ways in which particular social arrangements hinder human flourishing, with a view to bringing about social change for the better. In this they are guided by the idea of a good society in which the identified social impediments to human flourishing would once and for all have been removed. The question of how these guiding ideas of the good life can be justified as valid across socio-cultural contexts and historical epochs is the most (...)
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  17. Transcendence in Postmetaphysical Thinking. Habermas' God.Maeve Cooke - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):21-44.
    Habermas emphasizes the importance for critical thinking of ideas of truth and moral validity that are at once context-transcending and immanent to human practices. in a recent review, Peter Dews queries his distinction between metaphysically construed transcendence and transcendence from within, asking provocatively in what sense Habermas does not believe in God. I answer that his conception of “God” is resolutely postmetaphysical, a god that is constructed by way of human linguistic practices. I then give three reasons for why it (...)
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  18. Structural injustice.Maeve McKeown - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (7):e12757.
    The concept of “structural injustice” has a long intellectual lineage, but Iris Marion Young popularised the term in her late work in the 2000s. Young’s theory tapped into the zeitgeist of the time, providing a credible way of thinking about transnational and domestic injustices, illuminating the importance of political, economic and social structures in generating injustice, theorising the role of individuals in perpetuating structural injustice, and the responsibility of everyone to try to correct it. Young’s theory has inspired secondary and (...)
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    Decentring critical theory with the help of critical theory: Ecocide and the challenge of anthropocentricism.Maeve Cooke - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Our present situation of anthropogenic ecological disaster calls on Western philosophy in general, and Frankfurt School critical theory in particular, to reconsider some long-standing, entrenched assumptions concerning what it means to be a human agent and to relate to other agents. In my article, I take up the challenge in dialogue with the idea of critical theory articulated by Max Horkheimer in the 1930s. My overall concern is to contribute to on-going efforts to decentre Frankfurt School critical theory in multiple (...)
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    Fat girl on TV: humor, embodiment and the aberration of fatness in neoliberal media.Maeve Eberhardt - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
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    Edith-Stein-Gesamtausgabe: Eine Untersuchung über den Staat / Einl., Bearb. und Anmerkungen von Ilona Riedel-Spangenberger.Edith Stein - 2006
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    Changing hearts and minds: Cristina Lafont on democratic self-legislation.Maeve Cooke - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (1):58-61.
    Lafont argues for a participatory version of deliberative democracy that shares key features with other contemporary approaches, while departing from them in decisive ways. It is based on the Rouss...
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    Socio-cultural learning as a 'transcendental fact': Habermas's postmetaphysical perspective.Maeve Cooke - 2001 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9 (1):63 – 83.
  24. On the Problem of Empathy.Edith Stein - 1964 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 28 (4):547-547.
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    Redeeming redemption: The utopian dimension of critical social theory.Maeve Cooke - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):413-429.
    Critical social theory has an uneasy relationship with utopia. On the one hand, the idea of an alternative, better social order is necessary in order to make sense of its criticisms of a given social context. On the other hand, utopian thinking has to avoid ‘bad utopianism’, defined as lack of connection with the actual historical process, and ‘finalism’, defined as closure of the historical process. Contemporary approaches to critical social theory endeavour to avoid these dangers by way of a (...)
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  26. Dusing, Edith und Klein, H.-D.(Hrsg.), Geist und Literatur.Edith Brugmans - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):429.
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  27. Edith Stein: Woman, second edition, revised. The Collected Works of Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite, vol. 2.Edith Stein - 1996
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  28. The Collected Works of Edith Stein . Vol. 3: On the Problem of Empathy. Third Revised Edition.Edith Stein & W. Stein - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (4):736-736.
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  29. Questioning autonomy: The feminist challenge and the challenge for feminism.Maeve Cooke - 1999 - In Richard Kearney & Mark Dooley (eds.), Questioning ethics: contemporary debates in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 258--282.
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    The collected works of Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite.Edith Stein - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications.
    This initial volume of the Collected Works of Edith Stein offers, for the first time in English, the unabridged biography of Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), depicting her life as a child and young adult. Her text ends abruptly because the Nazi SS arrested, then deported, her to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942. Edith Stein is one of the most significant German women of the 20th century. At the age of twenty-five she became the (...)
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    O direito de resistência em espinosa.Albano Pina - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 35:433-457.
    With the redefinition of the origin and function of the state by the contractarian theories, the problem of resistance ceased to be subsumed to the medieval discussion of tyrannicide. Spinoza was one of the authors that gave a greater political significance to the right of resistance - despite the dispersed and often cryptographic way in which this theme emerges in his work -, connecting it directly to the sovereign power of the multitude. This article thus aims to make explicit the (...)
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  32. The Theory of Communicative Action After Three Decades.Maeve Cooke & Timo Jütten - 2013 - Constellations 20 (4):516-517.
    This is the introduction to a special section on Habermas' Theory of Communicative Action, published in Constellations 20:4 (2013), and edited by Maeve Cooke and me.
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  33. Habermas, feminism and the question of autonomy.Maeve Cooke - 1999 - In Peter Dews (ed.), Habermas. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 178--210.
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    Review of Edith Wyschogrod: Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy.[REVIEW]Edith Wyschogrod - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):181-184.
    "In this exciting and important work, Wyschogrod attempts to read contemporary ethical theory against the vast unwieldy tapestry that is postmodernism.... [A] provocative and timely study."—Michael Gareffa, _Theological Studies_ "A 'must' for readers interested in the borderlands between philosophy, hagiography, and ethics."—Mark I. Wallace, _Religious Studies Review_.
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    Express saccade programming produces visually triggered saccades.J. E. Albano - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):568-568.
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    Objectifying Nude Art Through Sartre’s the Imaginary.Ninotchka Mumtaj B. Albano - 2019 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 20 (1):80-96.
    In an effort to address the image of the nude as a concern of both feminist aesthetics and existentialism, this paper shall provide a critique on the male gaze in visual art by means of Jean-Paul Sartre’s analysis of the image and the imagining consciousness. This paper aims to reassess not only the aspects surrounding the male gaze but the nature of its image. In this sense, while objectification is part of the nature of the nude, both the representation and (...)
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    Rivelare e Tacere.Emmanuel Albano - 2016 - Augustinianum 56 (1):5-20.
    The article aims at investigating in depth the idea of revelation expressed in the works of Clement of Alexandria. In particular, it focuses on the biblical-philosophical foundations; namely, how Clement, starting from an openness to the Greek cultural world, incorporates Greek philosophy into Christian revelation, albeit with some variations, thus making it part and parcel of his way of under-standing the relationship between Holy Scripture and Tradition.
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  38. Syneisaktism : sacred partnership and sinister scandal.Maeve B. Callan - 2019 - In David J. Collins (ed.), The sacred and the sinister: studies in medieval religion and magic. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    La justificación de los principios lógicos y el “problema de la adopción”.Javier Castro Albano - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (1):43-52.
    Saul Kripke cuestionó el enfoque de la justificación de la lógica provisto por el modelo de Quine de la red de creencias sobre la base de un resultado que Romina Padró llamó “Problema de la adopción”. Sugiero una solución al problema de la adopción y una defensa de la estrategia quineana para la justificación de la lógica.
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    Problem-solving in a university setting: The role of the ombudsperson.Maeve Conrick - 2000 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 4 (2):50-54.
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  41. La verdad en la ficción narrativa: Kafka, Adorno y más allá.Maeve Cooke - 2015 - Signos Filosóficos 17 (34).
    La ficción narrativa tiene el poder de alterar nuestras más arraigadas intuiciones y expectativas acerca de lo que significa seguir una vida éticamente buena, así como del tipo de sociedad que facilitaría tal situación. A veces su poder disruptivo es develador, lo cual lleva a un cambio éticamente significativo en la percepción. Sostengo que los poderes disruptivos y develadores de una ficción narrativa constituyen un potencial para el conocimiento ético. Interpreto este conocimiento como un proceso de aprendizaje, orientado por una (...)
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  42. Selfhood and solidarity.Maeve Cooke - 1993 - Constellations 1 (3):337-57.
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    Vous avez dit « Démocratie réelle »?Albano Cordeiro - 2013 - Multitudes 55 (4):203.
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  44. All their play becomes fruitful-The utopian child of Charles Fourier.Maeve Pearson - 2002 - Radical Philosophy 115:29-39.
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    The Cogito, Human Self-Assertion, and the Modern World.C. M. Peter Albano - 2000 - Philosophy Today 44 (2):184-189.
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    On Gurwitsch’s Number Theory.Rosina Albano- Zinco - 1975 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5 (1):109-112.
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    Potency and act: studies toward a philosophy of being.Edith Stein - 2009 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications. Edited by Lucy Gelber & Romaeus Leuven.
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    Assonanze e dissonanze: dal diario di Edith Stein.Edith Stein & Angela Ales Bello (eds.) - 2021 - Milano -- Udine: Mimesis.
    In queste pagine è delineata la vicenda esistenziale e intellettuale di Edith Stein. Donna straordinaria, è stata capace di racchiudere nella sua persona molte "possibili" vite. Le ha realizzate come ebrea e cattolica, fenomenologa e filosofa cristiana, docente e monaca carmelitana, agnostica e santa. Si tratta di un processo vitale dagli apparenti salti qualitativi, i quali si volgono all'ascolto di un medesimo nucleo identitario. Questa viva "formazione di sé" ha condotto Edith Stein a una "donazione di sé", culminata (...)
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    Existentially lived truth or communicative reason? Habermas’ critique of Kierkegaard.Maeve Cooke - 2021 - Constellations 28 (1):51-59.
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    Global Structural Exploitation: Towards an Intersectional Definition.Maeve McKeown - 2016 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 9 (2).
    If Third World women form ‘the bedrock of a certain kind of global exploitation of labour,’ as Chandra Mohanty argues, how can our theoretical definitions of exploitation account for this? This paper argues that liberal theories of exploitation are insufficiently structural and that Marxian accounts are structural but are insufficiently intersectional. What we need is a structural and intersectional definition of exploitation in order to correctly identify global structural exploitation. Drawing on feminist, critical race/post-colonial and post-Fordist critiques of the Marxist (...)
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